Friday, July 10, 2015

Akureyri, Iceland July 6, 2015

Today is the Disney Magic's inaugural visit to Akureyri, Iceland.  We are not arriving until 11:30 or so.  All ashore is 12:15 p.m. so we will be getting off as soon as the ship is cleared.  We have a private excursion planned with Ice Limo with Ryan.  It is the same company we used the last two days.
Beautiful landscape as we make our way into Akureyri.

This morning there is lots going on before our arrival time.  This morning in Cabanas they made special loaves of bread for breakfast.  I stop by and get an Orange Bread with a Chocolate Sauce.  It is yummy.

Then I see Princess Sofia and she doesn't have a line, so I have to get a picture since my daughter Jamie, is a close friend of the Princess.

More beautiful scenery as we are arriving

Ryan from Ice Limo welcoming us to Akureyri

Off we go on our tour and I get a magical picture of the ship as we head out.

Our first stop is about 45 minutes away, so I take some pictures of the countryside on our way:

We finally come to Godafoss.  Godafoss is the waterfall of the Gods.

See the person in the blue coat walking over the stones to get back from the rock on the left?

Well, after some friends talked me into doing that (peer pressure) I proceed with my camera to walk over the stones towards the rock, except for that one stone that was wobbly and I proceeded to land directly down into the stream.  Well, I was soaking wet from the waist down.  However my camera was dry (gotta keep the important things safe).  This picture is of me after my fall and I am wet, literally soaking.  If you look close at the second picture you can kinda tell the pants are wet.  I get a towel afterwards to sit on and try to dry out the pants on the van.  At the next stop I buy a pair of argyle socks.  Then I start using everything bathroom on the excursion that you dry your hands on to try to dry my pants out somewhat.  They were wet all day long. 

Now we head to Lake Myvatn.

At Lake Myvatn we go to Dimmuborgir.  Theory has it that Dimmuborgir was formed from lava spills over a water filled depression forming a lava lake.  It is estimated that Dimmuborgir was formed 2000 years ago.  Our tour guide explains this to us.  For those fans of Game of Thrones, some of the shows were filmed here.

Our next stop is Namafjall Hverir.  This is a high temperature geothermal area with fumaroles and mud pots.  The hot springs produce considerable sulfur deposits.  In previous centuries sulphur was mined in Iceland and was used to produce gun powder.

Then our driver takes us down a dirt road to go to Grjotagja.  This was a popular bathing place until the 1976-84 volcanic eruption at Krafla which brought magma streams under the area which caused a sharp rise in the water temperature to 140 degrees fahrenheit.  Today it is down to 114 degrees fahrenheit.  Bathing is still prohibited but you are allowed to explore the area.

It is now time to start heading back towards the ship as we are only in port for about 6 hours today.

As we get closer we see the Disney Magic and then stop to take pictures:

We are on our way at 6:45.  I am in the Walt Disney Theater watching the Beatlemaniacs.  I saw them last year and they were awesome.  Lots of singing along to Beatles tunes!

The sun is out as we sail away and I grab a few more pictures.

I run into Mickey in Preludes:

Right after the show I run into Goofy!

Next it is off to the Freezing the Night Away with Anna, Elsa and Friends.  I run into Natalie and Carly and we dance the night away!  It is definitely cold outside.

Now it is time to head to Carioca's for our Freezing the Night Away Dinner with the Frozen Menu.  The guys are all goofy tonight!  We have a special Key Lime Pie for dessert!

Then I decide it is time to head to bed.  I am not feeling really well tonight, I have this pain in my right side that I have had since we arrived in Iceland, so taking some Ibuprofin to see if it will help.

Goodnight from the Disney Magic!


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