Monday, July 13, 2015

Kirkwall, Scotland July 8 2015

Today is the Disney Magic’s Inaugural visit to Kirkwall, Scotland.  We arrived at around 9:00 a.m. I am watching our arrival on television from the stateroom and the weather is looking overcast and rainy.  Natalie says on her morning announcement it is a real windy day and cold, so dress like an onion, so you can peel off the layers when needed.

Kirkwall is called the City of Chains and is the capital of the Orkney islands with over 70 islands located north of mainland Scotland and strategically situated on a broad bay at the dividing point between the East and West Mainland.  However, only 20 are inhabited.

Kirkwall was founded in the early 11th century when Earl Rognvald Brusson established his kingdom here which was a historic seafaring empire.

The roads are long and winding and are more like twisting one land roads and you have to pull over to the “passing place” (pull outs in the US) in order for other cars to get by.

Since I am still battling this infection and on antibiotics, I wander down to the Health Center so they can give me a note so I can get a refund on the walking tour of Kirkwall.  I really want to go, but walked out on Deck 4 for a minute, and decided with the cold, cold breeze, it was probably not a good idea.

So, I go ahead and do some packing and a load of laundry since I have some time before my afternoon excursion.

I am going on the adult only departure of the Ancient Standing Stones and Dramactic Cliffs.  Our guide tells u that there are 30,000 sheep on the island and 120,000 cattle.  There are 22,000 residents!  In Kirkwall there are 8,000 residents.

First we take approximately a 45 minute drive to the magnificient sandstone Cliffs of Yesnaby.  

While we were traveling down the road, we came across a house where the homeowner painted a mural on the side of his house.

Then we continue to the great ceremonial stone circle known as the Ring of Brodgar.  This monument is the third largest stone circle in the British Isles.  The Ring of Brodgar comprises a massive ceremonial enclosure and stone circle probably dating from between 2500 and 2000 BC. Around it are at least 13 prehistoric burial mounds and a stone setting (2500-1500 BC).


This is how the lanes look that we are going on.  Here we have a house that just comes out onto the road.

We also go to the Standing Stones of Stenness.  The Watch Stone stands outside the circle to the north-west and is 5.6 m (18 ft) high. Once there were at least two stones there, as in the 1930s the stump of a second stone was found. Other smaller stones include a square stone setting in the centre of the circle platform where cremated bone, charcoal and pottery were found. This is referred to as a "hearth".  It is believed that this could be the oldest from 3100 BC

We come across another standing stone.   I forget what our tour guide said the name was.

On our way back, we come to a rise in the road and can see the beautiful Disney Magic.

We arrive back to the ship right at 5:45 p.m. for departure.   Right when we board, we have a wonderful cup of Hot Chocolate awaiting us.

The town has come off to give us a send off.  We have the bagpipers, some dancers, and a whole lot of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Brownie age, who are wearing their uniforms and sashes.  We have families that have brought their dogs along with them.

It is quite the celebration.  Mickey, Minnie, Goofy Pluto, Daisy, Donald and Chip and Dale all come out at varying times to wave to the crowds.  This reminds me of our inaugural visit to Curacao on the Panama Canal Inaugural Voyage back in May, 2005.  It is very heartwarming and brings tears to your eyes when you realize that for many of these children, this is the closest they ever get to Disney characters.  It is just an awesome moment.

Tonight, Michelle Mallardi from Disney Theatrical is performing in the Walt Disney Theatre.  She played Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast on Broadway, as well as roles in national and international tours including Phantom of the Opera and Les Mserables.  She sings two of my favorite songs from the stage version of Beauty and the Beast, "A Change in Me" and "Home".  She was phenominal.  Incredible voice.  She has been on the ship the entire voyage with her family and I know she has at least one child, because she talked about the significance of singing "A Change in Me" while Belle on Beauty and the Beast while she was pregnant with her son.  The words just really brought tears to the eyes.  (Boy, there are a lot of tears today!)

Plus, it is also our last port, so a sad day knowing that the voyage is ending soon.

Tonight is semi formal night and we are in Lumiere’s for dinner.

After dinner it is time to head off to another round of the adult show with Junnk who has arrived back on board.

Then it is off to bed.  What a great day!  Can’t believe the journey is about over.  Until tomorrow……Goodnight from the Disney Magic!

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