Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Orlando to Copenhagen

Well, the adventure for 2015 has started.  Ken picked me up for the airport at 9:15 a.m. Monday as my flight was at 12:15 scheduled from Orlando to JFK.  Got to the airport at 9:45 or so, checked in curbside.  Well, I attempted to check in curbside but was taken inside because my flight had been re-directed.  Guess there were high winds and rain in New York and my flight had been delayed until 2:35 pm so they thought I wouldn't make my connection.

So, instead I got to fly from Orlando to Minneapolis.  Got on the plane and got comfortable with Olaf.  The plane was extremely warm.  Was worried that Olaf might start melting.

This is Olaf's second adventure as he spent 31 days in the Med and Greek Islands last year.  So he is excited for another journey and he gets to visit his home of Arendelle, the home of Frozen this trip.

While I was in the airport I called and talked to my daughter Jamie.  Will miss her on this trip.  She has been my travel buddy for so many years, and I was a little emotional talking to her knowing that she could not come on this trip.  I will be bring her and Quentin souvenirs from our journey though and I have a great roommate with Elaine coming from Canada

Had a a tight connection in Minneapolis. Landed at 2:20 and my flight left at 3:10. Almost had to jog from F9 to the international terminal at G7. Good thing I didn't have to go to G22. And Olaf and I have air conditioning. It is nice and cool. Next stop Amsterdam  6 am. I have no idea what time that is back in the US. However pilot is announcing that flight time is 7 hours 13 minutes. He says rainy weather in Amsterdam. Hopefully Copenhagen will fare better. I have my Scandanavian Explorer sweatshirt with me from my trip on the Magic in 2010!

Watched four movies on the flights over as I was unable to sleep.  Saw Cinderella and loved it!  Watched McFarland USA, The Second Marigold Hotel and Black and White.  Enjoyed all of them.

Arrived in Amsterdam one hour early. Customs was a breeze but had to throw my Dasani water away Delta gave me. Two hours until the final leg to Copenhagen.  The customs guys asked me where I was going and how long. I told them Copenhagen on the Disney Magic for 34 nights. They asked if they could come along! I said sure, two single gals would be happy to have two young handsome men join us! 2 more hours for the last leg of the journey.

Sat next to this guy on the flight from Amsterdam to Copenhagen.  He was wearing some nice cologne, but my nose did not like it.  I now have a runny nose again and feel my cold coming back.

I arrived in Copenhagen right on time. I was met in the baggage claim by Samuel representing Adventures by Disney. Easy to find.  He had my name on the placard and then we got my luggage and headed to my hangout spot until Elaine arrives. She is due in at 10:15 and Samuel has gone to meet her and grab your luggage and then will be off to Tivoli Hotel. In the meantime I'm enjoying the chocolate croissant and a lime refresher. I've got my sweatshirt on this is definitely not Orlando weather

Elaine has completed her first international flight and has arrived in Copenhagen without incident.  They even let her in the country! LOL  We say goodbye to Samuel as he is assigned to the airport all day to welcome more guests for Adventures by Disney.  We head with our driver to his Mercedes Benz Van for our trip to the Tivoli Hotel.

The weather is overcast and rainy.  We arrive at the hotel and the desk clerk is able to get us a room with a balcony (which there are not alot of).  We have a pretty view of the rain and wind.

I then decide it is time to take a nap and Elaine is working on her computer.  Took a good nap and then showered.  I don't know what it is about me and European showers but we just don't get along.  Took two calls to housekeeping to have them show me how it worked.  I do have average intelligence, I think, but I don't understand why showers over here are so difficult.  And then they only have half a shower door.....

We then decided to head out to cold, breezy, Copenhagen to wander to the mall to have dinner and check out the area.

Went to a restaurant called The First Lady.  Elaine had fish n' chips and I had a Chicken Sandwich with fries and some herbal tea (to fight this runny nose).

Walked through the mall after dinner, but the stores were closed.  Went into the grocery store looking for some TheraFlu, but no luck.  We walked back to the hotel (5 minute walk).  It is cold, windy and starting to rain.  By the time we arrived back the rain is really starting to come down.

Called our Adventures by Disney Guides Amber and Robyn.  Asked them if they have any connection with getting me some TheraFlu.  Robyn had a bag of goodies, but no TheraFlu.  But they came over to the room and gave me a couple of things to try to see if I can kick this runny nose.  We had a great visit with them.  We are excited for our Adventures by Disney starting tomorrow evening.

We are now in the room and watching the dragonflies on the building next to us.  They are large metallic lighted dragonflies and their wings are moving and they are kind of animated on the building.  Kinda cool to watch outside our room.  Can't go out on the balcony as the rain is really coming down now.

Wanted to get my blog started as to not get behind.  For those that followed me last year, I will be on the lookout for strawberry waffles with nutella, whip cream and gelato, but don't know how lucky I'll be this year.  I think I will be successful with the waffles, just not quite sure about the gelato.  But for history sake, here's one of my favorites:

Tomorrow, we are going to wander into the main part of Copenhagen, scoping out some great pastry shops and of course, The Disney Store!  However, it may still be rainy for another day, so hopefully it won't damper our plans.

Goodnight from Copenhagen!


  1. Have lots of fun and tell Elaine hi! wish I was there, I will be keeping up with your adventures! ;)

  2. There's something wonderful about having Danish over there! Yummy! Linda, hoping you get rid of that runny nose. The only running I want you to do is on your feet. Have Fun! XO

  3. Can't wait to follow along with your adventures, Linda. I enjoyed meeting you last year. We'll be sailing Eastern and Western Med this summer beginning late August with Celebrity. Can't wait.
    Have fun and thanks for sharing your trips. :)
